Results for 'John Malcolm Wagstaff'

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  1.  11
    A note on settlement numbers in ancient Greece.John Malcolm Wagstaff - 1975 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 95:163-168.
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  2.  19
    Spatial scale interactions in vision and eye movement control.Harvey S. Smallman & John Malcolm Findlay - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 931-934.
  3.  24
    Sennacherib's Palace without Rival at Nineveh.Barbara N. Porter & John Malcolm Russell - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):92.
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    The Writing on the Wall: Studies in the Architectural Context of Late Assyrian Palace Inscriptions.Benjamin R. Foster & John Malcolm Russell - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (4):702.
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  5.  35
    Evliya Çelebi, the Mani and the Fortress of Kelefa.Malcolm Wagstaff - 2009 - In A. C. S. Peacock (ed.), The Frontiers of the Ottoman World. British Academy. pp. 113.
    The fortress of Kelefa on the western side of the Mani peninsula in southern Greece is one of a series of fortifications constructed or refurbished to defend the Ottomans' maritime frontier against Venice in the late seventeenth century. This chapter addresses whether the castle is indeed of Ottoman construction, or whether it is in fact an earlier, Frankish, structure that was merely restored by the Ottomans. It outlines what The Chronicle of the Morea says and how it can be interpreted. (...)
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  6. Egg distributions of insect parasitoids: Modelling and analysis of temporal data with host density dependence.John S. Fenlon, Malcolm J. Faddy, Menia Toussidou & Michael E. Courcy Williamdes - forthcoming - Acta Biotheoretica.
    A simple numerical procedure is presented for the problem of estimating the parameters of models for the distribution of eggs oviposited in a host. The modelling is extended to incorporate both host density and time dependence to produce a remarkably parsimonious structure with only seven parameters to describe a data set of over 3,000 observations. This is further refined using a mixed model to accommodate several large outliers. Both models show that the level of superparasitism declines with increasing host density, (...)
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  7.  14
    Changing relationships.Malcolm Brynin & John Ermisch (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Some relationships are within the family -- such as between parents and children, grandparents and children and between siblings -- while others are between friends. In some cases, these distinctions are blurred (Are short-term partners family members? Are family members seen as such when relations become unfriendly? Does divorce, if amicable, replace a family with a friendship?). Using quantitative, cutting-edge statistical analysis, in conjunction with a multi-disciplinary approach, the contributors to this volume address the contemporary state of and dynamics in (...)
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  8. On avoiding the void.John Malcolm - 1991 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 9:75-94.
  9. Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms: Early and Middle Dialogues.John Malcolm - 1991 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    An interpretation of Plato's earlier dialogues which argues that the few cases of self-predication contained therein are acceptable simply as statements concerning universals and that therefore Plato is not vulnerable in these cases to the "third man argument".
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  10. Plato's Analysis.John Malcolm - 1967 - Phronesis 12 (2):130 - 146.
  11. Episodic memory, amnesia, and the hippocampal–anterior thalamic axis.John P. Aggleton & Malcolm W. Brown - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):425-444.
    By utilizing new information from both clinical and experimental (lesion, electrophysiological, and gene-activation) studies with animals, the anatomy underlying anterograde amnesia has been reformulated. The distinction between temporal lobe and diencephalic amnesia is of limited value in that a common feature of anterograde amnesia is damage to part of an comprising the hippocampus, the fornix, the mamillary bodies, and the anterior thalamic nuclei. This view, which can be traced back to Delay and Brion (1969), differs from other recent models in (...)
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  12.  75
    On the Place of the Hippias Major in the development of Plato’s thought.John Malcolm - 1968 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 50 (3):189-195.
  13.  61
    Vlastos on Pauline Predication.John Malcolm - 1985 - Phronesis 30 (1):79-91.
  14.  94
    A Way Back for Sophist 255c12-13.John Malcolm - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (2):275-289.
  15.  54
    Thanks for the memories: Extending the hippocampal-diencephalic mnemonic system.John P. Aggleton & Malcolm W. Brown - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):471-479.
    The goal of our target article was to review a number of emerging facts about the effects of limbic damage on memory in humans and animals, and about divisions within recognition memory in humans. We then argued that this information can be synthesized to produce a new view of the substrates of episodic memory. The key pathway in this system is from the hippocampus to the anterior thalamic nuclei. There seems to be a general agreement that the importance of this (...)
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  16.  44
    A reconsideration of the identity and inherence theories of the copula.John Malcolm - 1979 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 17 (4):383-400.
  17. "Maurice Lalonde", La théorie de la connaissance scientifique selon Gaston Bachelard. [REVIEW]John Malcolm - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (2):267.
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  18.  76
    The Ethics of Intercultural Communication.Malcolm N. MacDonald & John P. O’Regan - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (10):1005-1017.
    For some time, the role of culture in language education within schools, universities and professional communication has received increasing attention. This article identifies two aporias in the discourse of intercultural communication : first, that it contains an unstated movement towards a universal consciousness; second, that its claims to truth are grounded in an implicit appeal to a transcendental moral signified.These features constitute IC discourse as ‘totality’, or as ‘metaphysics of presence’.The article draws on the work of Levinas ; and Derrida (...)
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  19.  33
    Book Reviews Section 1.John Ohlinger, David Conrad, Frederick S. Buchanan, Jack Christensen, Jeffrey Herold, J. Don Reeves, Everett D. Lantz, Ursula Springer, Robert L. Hardgrave Jr, Noel F. Mcginn, Malcolm B. Campbell, R. J. Woodin, Norman Lederer, Jerry B. Burnell & Rodney Skager - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):65-75.
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  20.  34
    On the Generation and Corruption of the Categories.John Malcolm - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (4):662 - 681.
    IT is tempting to assume that an obvious way in which Aristotle determined his list of categories was to take a primary substance as subject and classify its predicates. The advantage of this suggestion is that it appears to give us the list of categories given at Categories 1b25 ff. For example, if we take Socrates as subject, then, when we predicate man of him, we get a predicate which is a substance. When we consider "Socrates is grammatical" we get (...)
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  21.  71
    On what is not in any way in the Sophist.John Malcolm - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):520-.
    To ensnare the sophist of the Sophist in a definition disclosing him as a purveyor of images and falsehoods Plato must block the sophistical defence that image and falsehood are self-contradictory in concept, for they both embody the proposition proscribed by Parmenides — ‘What is not, is’. It has been assumed that Plato regards this defence as depending on a reading of ‘what is not’ in its very strongest sense, where it is equivalent to ‘what is not in any way’ (...)
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  22.  56
    Problematising Levinasian Ethics in the Context of Complex Organizational Behaviour: The Case of Telecom New Zealand.Malcolm Lewis & John Farnsworth - forthcoming - Levinas, Business Ethics.
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    Referees for Ethics, Place and Environment, volume 7, 2004.Piers Blaikie, John Boardman, Noel Castree, Brad Coombes, Malcolm Cutchin, Mary Dengler, Nigel Dower, Ron Egel, Jerry Glover & Tim Gray - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (3).
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  24. The Line and the Cave.John Malcolm - 1962 - Phronesis 7 (1):38 - 45.
  25.  87
    Does Plato Revise his Ontology in Sophist 246 c—249 d?John Malcolm - 1983 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 65 (2):115-127.
  26.  23
    Egg Distributions of Insect Parasitoids: Modelling and Analysis of Temporal Data with Host Density Dependence.John Fenlon, Malcolm Faddy, Menia Toussidou & Michael de Courcy Williams - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (3):309-320.
    A simple numerical procedure is presented for the problem of estimating the parameters of models for the distribution of eggs oviposited in a host. The modelling is extended to incorporate both host density and time dependence to produce a remarkably parsimonious structure with only seven parameters to describe a data set of over 3,000 observations. This is further refined using a mixed model to accommodate several large outliers. Both models show that the level of superparasitism declines with increasing host density, (...)
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  27.  28
    Egg Distributions of Insect Parasitoids: Modelling and Analysis of Temporal Data with Host Density Dependence.John S. Fenlon, Malcolm J. Faddy, Menia Toussidou & Michael E. de Courcy Williams - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (3):309-320.
    A simple numerical procedure is presented for the problem of estimating the parameters of models for the distribution of eggs oviposited in a host. The modelling is extended to incorporate both host density and time dependence to produce a remarkably parsimonious structure with only seven parameters to describe a data set of over 3,000 observations. This is further refined using a mixed model to accommodate several large outliers. Both models show that the level of superparasitism declines with increasing host density, (...)
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    Egg Distributions of Insect Parasitoids: Modelling and Analysis of Temporal Data with Host Density Dependence.John Fenlon, Malcolm Faddy, Menia Toussidou & Michael Courcy Williams - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (3):309-320.
    A simple numerical procedure is presented for the problem of estimating the parameters of models for the distribution of eggs oviposited in a host. The modelling is extended to incorporate both host density and time dependence to produce a remarkably parsimonious structure with only seven parameters to describe a data set of over 3,000 observations. This is further refined using a mixed model to accommodate several large outliers. Both models show that the level of superparasitism declines with increasing host density, (...)
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  29.  17
    Putting guidelines into practice: a tailored multi‐modal approach to improve post‐operative assessments.John A. Ford, Craig MacKay, Chris Peach, Paul Davies & Malcolm Loudon - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (1):106-111.
  30.  63
    On grabmann's text of William of Sherwood.John Malcolm - 1971 - Vivarium 9 (1):108-111.
  31.  94
    On Ideas.John Malcolm - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):272-277.
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  32.  33
    On the Duality of Εἷδος in Aristotle’s Metaphysics.John Malcolm - 1996 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 78 (1):1-10.
  33.  35
    Plato and Platonism. Plato's Conception of Appearance and Reality in Ontology, Epistemology, and Ethics, and its Modern Echoes.John Malcolm - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (1):29-31.
  34.  26
    Some Consolation for Boethius.John Malcolm - 1986 - New Scholasticism 60 (1):35-45.
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  35.  73
    On the Endangered Species of the Metaphysics.John Malcolm - 1993 - Ancient Philosophy 13 (1):79-93.
  36.  22
    Plato's Later Epistemology. By W. G. Runciman. Cambridge University Press, 1962, pp. viii, 138. $3.60.John Malcolm - 1962 - Dialogue 1 (3):334-337.
  37.  48
    Some Cautionary Remarks on the 'is'/'teaches' Analogy.John Malcolm - 2006 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 31:281-96.
  38.  78
    Semantics and Self-Predication in Plato.John Malcolm - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (3):286 - 294.
  39.  9
    Shifting the Boundaries: Transformation of the Languages of Public and Private in the Eighteenth Century.Maria Luisa Pesante, John Brewer, Dena Goodman, Malcolm Cook, Vivien Jones, Ursula Vogel, John Christian Laursen & Edoardo Tortarolo - 1995 - University of Exeter Press.
    "The book mounts a challenge to the notion of a clear distinction between public and private and attempts to account for the mobility of the many boundaries between the two. The first essay introduces some of those problematic boundaries in the light of the influential studies of Habermas, Koselleck, Aries and Chartier, who together have helped shape our understanding of the formation of the modern public and private spheres. A number of essays deal with the nature of public opinion in (...)
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  40.  31
    A No Nonsense Approach to St. Anselm.John Malcolm - 1981 - Franciscan Studies 41 (1):336-345.
  41.  21
    On the Disappearance of "Copulatio" as a Property of a Term.John Malcolm - 1977 - Franciscan Studies 37 (1):120-138.
  42.  31
    Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms: Early and Middle Dialogues.Sandra Peterson & John Malcolm - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (2):294.
  43.  16
    Objectivity and Subjectivity in Social Research.Gayle Letherby, John Scott & Malcolm Williams - 2012 - London: Sage Publishing.
    This book, written by leading authors in the field, takes a completely new approach to objectivity and subjectivity, no longer treating them as opposed - as many existing texts do - but as logically and methodologically related in social research. The authors explain complex arguments with great clarity for social science students, while also providing the detail and comprehensiveness required to meet the needs of practicing researchers and scholars.
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  44.  68
    The Relevance of Father Vincent McNabb.Dermot Quinn, Malcolm McMahon, Paul Likoudis, Thomas Storck & John Mueller - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):31-43.
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    New Essays on Plato and Aristotle, Edited by Renford Bambrough. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965. pp. viii, 176. $5.00. [REVIEW]John Malcolm - 1967 - Dialogue 5 (4):626-630.
  46.  20
    Plato's Thought in the Making: A Study of the Development of his Metaphysics. By J. E. Raven. Toronto, Cambridge University Press. 1965, pp. 243. $2.25. [REVIEW]John Malcolm - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (2):267-272.
  47. Paul Woodruff, Plato: Hippias Major. [REVIEW]John Malcolm - 1983 - Philosophy in Review 3:313-315.
  48.  37
    Dignaga's Investigation of the Percept: A Philosophical Legacy in India and Tibet.Douglas Duckworth, Malcolm David Eckel, Jay L. Garfield, John Powers, Yeshes Thabkhas & Sonam Thakchoe (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    Investigation of the Percept is a short work that focuses on issues of perception and epistemology. Its author, Dignaga, was one of the most influential figures in the Indian Buddhist epistemological tradition, and his ideas had a profound and wide-ranging impact in India, Tibet, and China. The work inspired more than twenty commentaries throughout East Asia and three in Tibet, the most recent in 2014.This book is the first of its kind in Buddhist studies: a comprehensive history of a text (...)
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  49.  76
    I Miss Being Me: Phenomenological Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation.Frederic Gilbert, Eliza Goddard, John Noel M. Viaña, Adrian Carter & Malcolm Horne - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (2):96-109.
    The phenomenological effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on the self of the patient remains poorly understood and under described in the literature, despite growing evidence that a significant number of patients experience postoperative neuropsychiatric changes. To address this lack of phenomenological evidence, we conducted in-depth, semistructured interviews with 17 patients with Parkinson's disease who had undergone DBS. Exploring the subjective character specific to patients' experience of being implanted gives empirical and conceptual understanding of the potential phenomenon of DBS-induced self-estrangement. (...)
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  50.  91
    Plato’s Dialogues One by One. [REVIEW]John Malcolm - 1990 - Ancient Philosophy 10 (1):135-137.
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